
Any locals want to share must-visit breweries or tap rooms?

All of them.  8)

But more seriously, give us some idea of what you are out here for/what area you plan on being in.

Seattle has about 60 breweries just inside off the city limits, and probably another 100 within easy driving distance, with each suburb having at least on brewery. You can get just about every single type of beer you want, though we are a little soft on German Lagers and Sours.

My favorite breweries in the area are:
Ruben’s Brews - Ballard, Seattle
Black Raven - Redmond
Fremont Brewing - Fremont, Seattle
Schooner Exact - SODO, Seattle

If you really want a taste of the Seattle beer scene, I really recommend a beer bar, as you can get a wide variety of local beer without hitting each brewery on its own.

Favorite Beer Bars:

Pine Box - Capitol Hill, Seattle
Brouwers - Fremont, Seattle
Beveredge Place Pub - West Seattle

Favorite Bottle Shops - They also serve beer:
Beer Authority - Lake City, Seattle
Malt and Vine - Redmond
Special Brews - Lynnwood

I really think you can’t go wrong with almost any brewery in the area. If you want to meet up for a beer, feel free to send me a PM.

I hear blue bird micro creamery has a heck of a brewer  ;D although rumor is he’s moving on to bigger things soon so get it while you can! plus, come on, ICE CREAM!!!

And there’s a great beer bar across the street, 74th Street Ale House.

Thanks for the shout out, although the Bluebird beers are not for everyone.  They run on the sweet side and are mostly designed to be drank with ice cream.  If you like that kind of thing, great.

I would add to Marc’s list:
Elysian (various), Big Time (U District), Stoup (Ballard), NW Peaks (Ballard), and as long as you’re right there Hilliard’s (Ballard).  Also on the east side, Geaux (Bellevue) and HiFi (Redmond).

But to Marc’s point, beer bars are a great way to get a taste from a lot of different breweries without running all over the place.  I’ll add Uber and the Duck Island Ale House to his list, they always have lots of great beer although it is not always local.

Forgot about Duck Island. They have good beer, and are attached to the best 24 hour diner in Seattle, Beth’s Cafe. Make sure you come hungry if you order food.

Whenever I read or hear this question I always mention these two runs that feature some of my favorites.

In the Downtown Seattle area: Elysian Fields → Epic Ales - > Schooner Exact → Two Beers makes for a nice line and could even continue on to West Seattle Brewing or Big Al’s which could include Beveridge Place or The Beer Junction which feature many, many local beers on tap.

In the Ballard / Fremont area: Fremont → Outlander → Stoup → Reubens → Hilliards (Bad Jimmys, Hales, Populuxe, NW Peaks, Peddler and Maritime Pacific are all in this area too)

So many to choose from. Reubens, Fremont and Epic Ales are my personal favorites of that bunch

I may have to revisit Schooner Exact.  I was at a beer festival last Fall in downtown Seattle where, as I recall, about 15 local breweries were present.  I was predisposed to like Schooner Exact simply because of the nautical name, but was disappointed in their offerings.  It was actually one of the breweries that ended up on the bottom of my list.  But I keep hearing here that it is a good brewery.  So there is some dissonance in my mind that needs to be resolved.  Just the kind of task I like!

Thanks! When you say “runs” are they listed in geo. order for a walking or other travel route?

Thanks everyone for the suggestions…now to stare at the calendar until Memorial Day weekend!

[quote]Thanks! When you say “runs” are they listed in geo. order for a walking or other travel route?


Yep, those are indeed in sequential geographical order.

I want to second two places mentioned above.

If you get over to West Seattle, the Beveridge Place Pub ( has a great selection and some very knowledgeable bartenders.  I’m quite fond of Belgians and they always seem to have a pleasant surprise.  Closer to my end of town, and speaking of Belgians, Brouwers Cafe ( has a fantastic selection and the best fries in town.

You should let us know when you’re in town.  Might be fun to meet up with some of the locals, no?

I always try to meet up with local AHA members when I travel. You never know what kind of trouble you can get into when you know people in the local beer scene.

Sounds great, will do!

I am here.

If you aren’t completely burned out on beer, we could meet up tomorrow night for a pint or two somewhere. Send me a PM.

Are you judging?

Nope. I had other engagements this weekend, but should be done by Saturday evening

Did you judge tonight Jim?  Did I miss you somehow?

Yup. Bald guy, gray goatee, glasses.