Second Use for Dry Hops

Since we’re not pulling any bittering from our dry hops, is there perhaps a second use for dry hops?

Would boiling extract bitterness after a week soak in beer @ 40f?

Probably. But lets say they were selling used hops at the store for 1/2 price, I would pass.

I don’t see any scenario where that would work reliably. You’d have to scrape up some of the goop, weigh it to try to be precise - except the weight would be different after absorbing liquid (how much, who knows). Buy a few more oz of hops and save yourself some grief, dude.

EDIT  -  Not to mention that a lot of the varieties that get dry hopped have great flavor and aroma but are lower in AA or are just less than stellar as a bittering hop.

no - don’t reuse them.  A neighbor tried and the result was BAD!  Trust me on this!  And they are carcinogenic to some pets!

Got it - a bad idea

not that bad an idea. I think this is done in some places. The hard part would be removing the hops from the beer. but even some trub and yeast does carry over to the boil kettle that’s no problem, it’s just yeast nutrient in the end. Try it.

it’s discussed here:

This was done by some during the hop shortage in 2008. I know a guy who did it and it worked for him, using whole cone hops.

There is a TTB regulation that hops have to be used in beer. 7.5 pounds per 100 barrels. Malternatives that are to have little to no hop flavor and aroma can be brewed using previously used hops.

Look under Malt Beverages for the reference.

At about one gram per 5 gallons I’m not sure using used hops would increase maltiness as compared to new hops