My current batch has been in primary for 4 days and has caught its second wind. Is the cause different sugars the yeast is working on? It has a nice head on it again and is bubbling fairly steady. I have been able to maintain the temp at 68 degrees.
I know I have read this before but I can’t seem to find it.
It’s very possible, as yeast metabolize in different phases based upon conditions. I suspect that they may have just hit the “high-krausen” phase. Enjoy watching your beasties thrive!
It was a bit warmer the first three days. I put it in a water bath and it has been at 68 ever since. By warmer, it was at 70 degrees at most. It was put in the fermenter last Wed, and now, on Tue, it is still bubbling and there is still a fair but of movement in the fermenter.
If it was CO2, how long would it continue at an aggressive rate? I know they say to measure OG but the beer is in a carboy and I am not all that keen about opening it up to measure. Someday, a conical will fix that.
Open it and measure…it’s no big deal. I’ve done it for years using a sanitized turkey baster. As I’ve often said, if you can’t take a gravity sample without screwing up your beer, maybe you should consider taking up knitting for a hobby!
+1. Turkey basters are the way to go, Hit it with some StarSan and you are good to go. I usually give it a little swirl when I put the airlock back on to purge any O2 that may have snuck in there.
Wine thief is just fine. turkey baster is cheaper is all. and not that much if you compare SS baster with three piece plastic wine thief. I pull the airlock out of my bucket and sample through that hole but I do not know if that would work for you.
Yeah I have a small grommeted airlock hole, so I would definitely need to make another hole (and a good plug) to make a sampling port. I’m sure I can figure out the necessary hardware to do this without much issue. I would just re-sanitize the plug after sampling before putting it back in, of course.
The wine thief fits into a carboy just fine, of course. My first batch was brewed away from where I live and had to be transported right after brewing (long story, read my blog if you want the whole story), which is why I am using the bucket on this batch. Although I’m kind of up in the air as to whether it really matters if I use the carboy or bucket. I think the carboy is only 5 gallons and the bucket is 6.5, and this batch of wort was 5.5 gallons, so there would be zero possibility of using the carboy here anyway.
Also, the high kreusen actually overflowed a little into the airlock of the bucket. I don’t have an overflow hose for the carboy (will probably get one soon though). The interesting part will be bottling. I may wind up getting either another bucket or another carboy soon (also, I can have secondary space or space to do two batches at a time if I get another container, lol, so expect that to happen).
My first batch is not going to be secondarily fermented (it’s an all grain IPA).
Anyway, I’ve successfully derailed this thread here, so enough about that!