Secondary Temps

Hello forum, and greetings from Malaysia - I have a question for the group.  I recently brewed an amber ale, and in order to keep the fermentation temperatures down to a reasonable range (62-66F) I have the fermentor in a swamp cooler.  I want to dry hop this beer, and was wondering if I needed to keep the temps down while the beer dry hopped in a secondary fermentor?  My guess is that it should stay cool, as there will be residual yeast activity which will help condition the beer.  Is this correct?  Should I keep the beer in the swamp cooler for an additional 10-14 days while it dry hops?


Once the vigorous part of fermentation is done (your primary), the temperature becomes less important.  It won’t hurt to keep the secondary in the swamp cooler but it’s probably not required - as long as the temps don’t get ridiculous, of course.  Besides, you should be wanting to use your swamp cooler for the primary of that next beer that you’re brewing :slight_smile:

It certainly won’t hurt to let it stay there until you are ready to keg or bottle the beer. The less you have to move the fermenter around the better plus it will help keep the temps down. I like to keep my beer on the cooler side of the spectrum. Cellar temps are ideal for beer storage.