Just brewed a 5-gal. pale ale that included 0.5 lb. plain wheat spray malt extract. Now I’ve got 2.5 lbs. vacuum-sealed and awaiting future adventures. Any suggestions for a partial mash/partial boil/BIAB follow-up or two? The DME doesn’t have to dominate; I’m fine with it as an adjunct. Note: I don’t have fermentation temp control so I can’t do anything that has to ferment below 68-72º. Thanks!
Nothing is simpler than a German Hefe extract batch. You don’t even have to steep anything and it will still turn out good.
For 5 gals:
6 lbs Wheat Dry Malt Extract
1 oz 4% Tettnanger or 4% Hallertaur @ 60
Wyeast 3068 or WLP 300
or you can use wheat and pilsner malt to do a small mash and use the remainder of what you have in DME:
2.5 lbs Wheat Dry Malt Extract
3 lbs White Wheat Malt
3 lbs Pilsner Malt
1 oz 4% Tettnanger or 4% Hallertaur @ 60
Wyeast 3068 or WLP 300
Mash at 151F
The OG should be around 1.050. The IBUs around 18
FG should be around 1.010
I like it. Will try this as a BIAB. Thanks.
This confirms what someone else said, that you can make an excellent weissbier from DME. They said they used Briess bavarian wheat DME which was 65%/35% wheat and barley.
I’m going to use this DME and low hopping but T-58 Yeast instead. Anyone else know about wheat DME?
With just extract you don’t even have to boil.