I’m expecting my hop bines to produce this year. Enough to do a 5 gal batch. Seeking a good recipe (extract) that will allow me to dry hop with cascade and centennial.
Any that come to mind? Even if it is an existing kit that I can dry hop.
If you’ve never brewed it, you should try Janet’s Brown Ale. The recipe is included in Brewing Classic Styles, but I’m sure you can find it online too. That one includes a few large late additions of Cascade and Centennial. I think you would need about 3 oz Cascade, and 2 oz Centennial, which should be no problem for you. I use pellets for a known bittering addition, then use homegrown for late. It’s a fantastic American Brown ale, and it always gets rave reviews from my friends. PM me if you can’t find the recipe and would like me to share it.
Another nice recipe to use some of those would be Denny’s Waldo Lake Amber. Just a couple ounces in that one, but it’s a great beer as well. You could probably brew both with even a smaller harvest of homegrowns. Cheers!
Janet’s Brown is a fantastic brown ale. Mike knocked it out of the park with that one.
I wholeheartedly concur with that recommendation! You’ll love it.