In the Dear Zymurgy section of this month’s journal, one of the writers talks about shipping with UPS or FedEx and using the identifier for what he is shipping as “yeast samples packed in glass”. Looking on the FedEx website, they list under Prohibited Items that “Biological Products.” Question: What’s a good alternative identifier for my “product?”
I state contents as “Glassware” and never have a problem.
Honestly in most cases it’s never even asked. If you set up and account you can actually fill out your shipping info on line and directly print your label. Then all you do is drop off your package and they don’t even ask you anything:)
More Beer ships yeast via FedEx
Seriously, this is the exact way to do it. Don’t have to lie and no questions asked.
Will do…makes the most sense.
I had heard that the shippers are onto the “yeast samples” thing, and the article makes that even more likely. I always just say it’s “gifts”. I’ve never had to be more specific than that.
I’ve shipped 30+ trades on beer advocate and this is the way to go. Print, drop off, and no questions asked. I also like to include an empty can with a few nuts, pennies, rice, or anything that will rattle. It helps mask the sloshing sound.
With the USPS sucking wind these days, you’d think there would be an opportunity to talk to them at a higher level (AHA Board to USPS Board of Governors) to get them to approve (or request approval from Congress if necessary) shipping of beers to competitions. More income for them, and a no-risk or B.S. alternative for us.
Maybe this has been attempted.
That’s something that has to be changed with an act of congress and there has been some research on that front
Perhaps just go with ‘don’t ask-don’t tell’
A private company (FedEx) may be easier to apologize to than a USPS swat team
Never had a problem shipping with UPS. I setup an account, print the lable at home, and drop in the UPS area at work. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious what’s in the package, especially when the address has a c/o “XXXXX Homebrew Competition”.

With the USPS sucking wind these days, you’d think there would be an opportunity to talk to them at a higher level (AHA Board to USPS Board of Governors) to get them to approve (or request approval from Congress if necessary) shipping of beers to competitions. More income for them, and a no-risk or B.S. alternative for us.
Maybe this has been attempted.
IIRC, yes, it has.
If asked (and most of the time I am not), I label mine “Competition Supplies” and have never been asked for more info.
One of the other benefits of printing your own labels at home is that it’s also slightly cheaper vs paying at the store.
I went this FedEx. Registered and printed from home, took my package to the location…they didn’t ask, I didn’t tell. No worries.
Thanks again to all for your help!
I had to ship a case of wine from san francisco to kansas once the clerk asked what it was, knowing what it was, I said it was glassware, he asked to open the box, I said no, he said I cant ship it. I walked to the next shipping store, they asked no questions, it arrived safely. someone is always willing to ship without asking you just have to keep trying.