Simple Grist American Barleywine

Edited based on suggestions - (Thanks guys)
~1.110-115 OG
~86-90 IBU
~12-13 SRM
82% 2 Row
8% Red Wheat
5% Munich
5% Crystal 40
Apollo, Ahtanum, Amarillo, and Simcoe

Question to the group.  Would replacing 8% of the 2 Row with Wheat be a terrible thing?  Would 10months be enough time?  All in the idea stage for an after turkey day partygyle - Barleywine (AASA Demeter) then something of an APA with some Vienna, victory and chocolate malt steeped into it after the fact with Ahtanum, Pacifica, and Perle (A.P.P.-elation sunrise)

I’d go lower on the crystal. Either less of the 40 or switch to a lower colored crystal. You could also mix crystals to get a more layered flavor.

Wheat wouldn’t be out of place, but I don’t think you need it. Give it healthy yeast and it will be ready way before 10 months.

My (ahem) award winning BW uses a healthy does of C60 and Munich along with the pale malt.  I think wheat might thin it a bit, which might not be bad if that’s what you want.

My system efficiency sucks on big beers and if yours does too, you may consider adding some simple sugar to the recipe as well. This can help you get your OG up there and will keep the FG from being too high.

I think 10 months is fine. FWIW, I like about a pound of victory malt in my BW.

so just modified from OG recipe.  10 months in the bottle is what I mean.

I think it will be good. Lots of late hops to accommodate the fade. Don’t save them all, enjoy the journey.

^^^.  Same thing for Bigfoot, for that matter - I love the slap of hops when it’s fresh, love it a few months old, love it a few years old.

Would decoction be inappropriate?  With such a rich maltiness, and a healthy dose of hops.  Balance leading toward more bitter than malty but have big body and mouthfeel.  I can’t help but think that decoction, with a higher mash temp would not be a bad idea… question for me still lays in the how long should the boil be? 2 hrs?

I need to try some bigfoot before I try and brew this beer.  I had my first American BW as a homebrew at a bottleshare recently and I need to take a crack at it.  I can see how it is hard to distinguish between Impy IPA and ABW or atleast the example I tried seemed to be an BIG IPA with a good malty backbone, but it was really sweet.  Probably because it was only 2 months old

The style guidelines do a pretty good job of describing the differences between Double IPA and Am. Barleywine.  BW is fuller and richer and sweeter.  IIPA is all about drinkability - lighter body, drier, etc.  They really are 2 different beers.

Full guidelines descriptions follow:

Yeah I caught that, I was just saying the one I tried it was harder to distinguish because it was young, and had a monster hop aroma.  It also had rye and spicy dank hops.  I appreciate the BJCP copy and paste though :wink:

Yeah, a young American barleywine should have a ton of hop character, not unlike a IIPA. But the full body and malty sweetness should be there for the AB, not for the IIPA. Except for many of the poorly made IIPAs out there where the brewer doesn’t get it, because his IIPA is sweet and very full bodied like an AB. There need to be more IIPAs like Dirt Wolf (or mine).

Target pH?

5.4 for hoppy beers always works great for me.
