Single Tier Brutus 10 "frame" for sale

Ive got a welded single tier brew stand for sale. It is not stainless steel so it will need painted with high temp paint.  The person who made mine had the steel to make an extra so I have this thing lying around.

I am near the cleveland pittsburgh area and could drive to meet if someone is interested.

Cost for this thing for me was 170$(well 340$ got me both) so 170$ for the stand or best offer!

EDIT: I will also trade for equipment I need. Empty bottles, corny kegs, 6 gallon better bottles are some of the things I could use but offer away!

You should post a picture.  Jmo…

I will post some pics in the next day or 2 when Im back home!

just for reference!

This is my system, The stand up for sale is IDENTICAL, just not painted and furnished obviously.  Its pretty much your standard(lonnie mac style) brutus. It stands about 3 feet tall, and with the kegs is under 6 feet.

heres pics. Its been sitting in the garage for a while.(and yes those cases are full of homebrew not BMC!)

Heres specs 52”x16”x 32”

Can’t see 'em.

Yup, we can’t see the images because they’re secured in your gmail account. Put them out on flickr or imgur and we’ll be able to see them.

This guy is sold!