My first all grain had a huge boil up, this one…not so much. I’m curious what that would suggest if anything. This recipe had more grain, and I boiled a bigger volume. I also climbed very slowly to boiling this time. Any thoughts?
Did you add any hops (maybe first wort) that could’ve helped to break up your hot break a bit? I wouldn’t worry too much if your hot breaks look differently from brew to brew as much will be based on protein content of the malts you brewed with. As long as you get a decent hot break you will be just fine.
Didn’t start adding hops until 30 minutes into the boil.
I had the same thing going on my end today. The kettle starting boiling just as I was transferring the last step out of the mash tun. I turned the torch up and then got it.
It looks like a healthy boil to me. I wouldn’t worry.
By “boil up,” I’m guessing you mean foam? That can be due to intensity of boil and not just hot break. What you need to be looking for are the ribbons of protein. While boiling my first all grain batch I was surprised by all of the proteins and my friend told me it’s fine and should look like “egg drop soup.” Like was mentioned above that will vary from batch to batch depending on the malt.
I worried about this too for a bit, but decided it doesn’t really matter. I think it was probably because you brought it up to a boil too slowly or slower than you usually do (such as when you are boiling a higher volume). This is when I’ve gotten little hot break. But the beer turns out fine.