Smoking with cedar

I have retired some cedar wood from raised beds and a lot of it is in great shape. If I burn it in a smoker, i.e., I am not grilling on a cedar plant, would I be happy with the smoked pork?

Smoking usually incorporates hard woods. Cedar is very soft. Whether or not you’d like the results of smoking with it is subjective. Just the fact that it isn’t used for smoking tells me that it doesn’t contribute anything positive.

Cedar is not recommended  for smoking. You can do a web sesrch and find many  references that say no.

I do a cpl recipes (bacon wrapped meatloaf and salmon) on a cedar plank. I’ve not used it for traditional smoking though I do get some smoke flavor from those recipes.

Here in the PNW, cedar plank salmon is very popular.  But like you I haven’t done official smoking.  I’ll go with Jeff’s advice.

Eventually I did some googling. I see it is used in small quantities as chips on a gas grill, but not as a main fuel. I might try planking some pork since I’m not into salmon. Thanks

My understanding of using the chips is to get a little cedar flavor like grilling or smoking on a plank without having to put all the meat on planks and clean them–which is not always the most pleasurable task.

You clean the planks?  I just toss them.

Some years back I found some cedar wood wraps- just really think sliced pieces of cedar you could wrap around meat before you cooked it. I made some absolutely delicious salmon with them

I’ve seen them but never tried the wraps.