So you are out in the woods and spot this...

You have been out for a few hours and pretty thirsty.
You are almost back to your vehicle and you spot this on the ground:


Seeing the pushed out bottom makes you think there is a chance…

Sure enough.  Unopened.

Whadda ya think?  ;D

Would you crack it?
  • Right away. Chug.
  • I would crack it, sniff around a bit, then pour it out.
  • No way, but I would pack it home for proper disposal.
  • No way, but I would shake it up and use it for target practice.
  • I cant decide, because I don’t know where my pants are.
0 voters

Or find its rightful owner, throw it through his or her closed window and curse them for polluting the woods with a toxic chemical.

Eeeewww…Keystone that’s been subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations.


I would pick it up and head back to the car.

Then when I got home… I would throw it in the trash.  :wink:

Keystone Light: Not Even Once.

Keith Stone would drink it…

No way, pushed out bottom would make me worry that it’s unsafe.

If the can were properly intact, I might guzzle it if I were thirsty enough. Possibly while holding my nose. (Depends how flavorless it is, I suppose.  Never tried the stuff.)

you beer snobs…

I would not touch it. Judging by the color of the Rockies on the can, it’s way to warm for my taste.  ;D

I can’t see how wild variations in temp would affect the flavor very much when we’re talking about KL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pick it up, crack it, dump it out, pack the can out and throw it in the recycling.

Beer snob?  I’d do the same with a canned craft beer.  I tend not to drink from containers I find in the woods.

Target practice. About the only thing that is good for. THEN I would properly dispose of the shot up can…

Where were you when I needed you?  Father-in-law had a bunch of that on vacation one time.  I had “Once” and I would have been much better off had I seen your advice prior to that.

If you can find the can, you haven’t shot it enough.

That sounds more like it…shoot it till it’s gone.  :slight_smile:

When my kids were young we would take leftover cans after parties and use them for target practice for my son’s bow and his BB gun.  good family fun in the front yard, especially when it’s 110F outside.

Shirtless, right? :slight_smile:


Maybe I should have said you are really thirsty and had been sucking on a juniper berry for the last hour. :smiley:

More information:

  • the bulging bottom is from freezing and expansion
  • the sun side of the logo was definitely faded
  • this is a “specially lined” can
  • the production date said 2009
    and remember, it does say Always Smooth on the can.

You can change your vote if you want. :wink:

Well why didn’t you say so?! That’s good enough for me.