Soon we can pack concealed


Without fear of reprisal. Always could carry openly… :stuck_out_tongue:

Michigan probably won’t get on board… >:(

edit: for politeness

Hopefully this will pass in SC also.

As a former LEO ( Ms. Tubercle also and with 2 daughters and 2 sons-in-law who are current LEO) this may sound strange but this is the only way citizens can protect themselves. LEOs can’t sit in your yard to do it for you. Most LEOs that I know, and that is a bunch, are for this contrary to what the media reports. The Media reports what the chief officers say because that is what the councils tell them to say and the street officer can’t voice their opinion in public without reprisal. That’s why Tubercle is “former”. Got tired of the political $h!t.

Everyone you encounter is approached and considered armed anyway but nothing is to fear from the citizen that voluntarily obeys the law.

This is highly debatable, I know, and borders on politics so deletion/locking may happen.

This is true, but I know it’s important to a lot of people so I hope we don’t have to do that.  I haven’t discussed this with the other mods, but IMO as long as it stays respectful and non political it can stay.  Now, I’ll bow out before I have to ban myself for the comments I’m thinking…:wink:

Thanks Denny…I’m pretty sure I know where you stand personally  ;) but this is something that is going to have to be dealt with from the general masses in the coming future due to recent events.

I hope if this thread is allowed to continue if it can be in a genteel manner and a wholesome and intelligent debate can be had to the benefit of all. Even though very few of have ever met in person we have all become friends within our own “community” here.

The Tubercle has had his say-so and will bow out and become a spectator.

Doesn’t sound strange in the least, Tubercle. Sounds like good ole common sense. It’s not law abiding gun owners and carriers that are the problem. To disarm this group is to put them at the mercy of those to whom the law means nothing.
Why do I carry a gun? Because a cop is too heavy.  :wink:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: That…is…funny :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I don’t care who you are, that is funny.

Here I go again walking on thin ice. Sheesh I was just stating the facts, and
relaying new current events.  I don’t mind if it gets locked and that, for the record,
it was not my intent to be flambouyant nor solicit politically charged debate.

Yeah maxiboy + tubercle that is funny… ;D

+1  on the carry.  Also retired Nat Res LE.

I would say this can be a surprisingly apolitical issue, at least when you are down to individuals, not party platforms. I know plenty of responsible armed folks of many divers stripes of political persuasion.

In the words of Gandalf, keep it secret, keep it safe. Ok, quoting Tolkien in this context takes my nerdery up a notch.

I pack everywhere I go. But can only fire 1 shot and takes 24 hours to reload.


There’s no denying that where there is right to carry, violent crime goes down. Criminals relish an unarmed populace, makes for easy pickins. Law abiding citizens are the ones who suffer when unable to defend themselves and their families, and that, is the definition of wrong in my book.

AZ just did this, I don’t agree with it. I went thru the class and got my CCP. I think everyone should… there are plenty of people who are going to carry and no have a clue how to handle a weapon… very dangerous! Everyone should have to take a course.

I’ve heard of little blue pills that can help you with that.

Gotta agree with that.  You need to take a gun safety course to get a hunting license (at least in PA) when you’re 12.  You should have to take one to carry around a handgun.

You must not be payin’ attention, son. That’s not at all what I said.

Yes there is.  There is no direct correlation either way between a right to carry and violent crime.  If you were right, the states with the loosest gun laws would have the least amount of violent crime, and that’s just not the case.  Compare Rhode Island to Alaska in per capita violent crime.  If it was the opposite, the states with the strictest gun laws would have the least violent crime.  Compare Washington DC to South Dakota.  It just doesn’t work, there’s not a direct relationship.

I’m working on getting my hunting license here so I’ll chime in since it applies to me. Before I get going, I want to say that at my dad’s house we have an Enfield 308 from the Indian/Pakistani wars (with matching WWI bayonet!) , a Winchester 30-06 that’s over 100 years old (octagonal barrel!), and a Colt 1911A1 .45 caliber handgun that belonged to my second cousin, who was a fighter pilot in Europe during WWII. We go out and shoot those things at the range and it’s a LOT of fun. I think knowing how to strip, clean, reassemble and fire a gun accurately are very important skills. Having said that:

Concealed carry is a bit of a catch 22. The people that really want it probably shouldn’t have it. There aren’t any boogie men coming to kill your family in the night, at least no more than is statistically probable, and frankly the idea of having one or more random guys with guns standing around waiting to start a firefight at the slightest sign of a purse-snatching does not make me feel any safer. I’ve never been in a firefight but I have a friend in the Marines and I’ve heard that bullets do not always go where you want them to - and that’s too much of a risk.

In France (like the rest of the EU) handguns, shotguns that are not side-by-side or over-under (meaning, you only have two shots before you have to reload) and rifles larger than 22 caliber are considered weapons of war and are absolutely illegal without any reservations (unless you’re a cop or in the military and are on active duty, of course). The violent crime here is much, much, much lower than most of the US, so again, having the right to carry does not equal a reduced rate of crime. “If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns” is, while true in a strictly logical sense, is as it applies to rates of crime demonstrably false.

In my travels I’ve found that (perhaps contrary to popular belief in the states) most people in Europe like the US, and recognize them to still be innovators and a land of good people. There’s none of that “they hate us for our freedom” stuff, at least not from reasonable people (every country has its crazies). But things like concealed carry get many a raise of the eyebrow. To many people here, things like that are a bit like pretending it’s the wild west, with outlaws around every corner trying to hijack your stagecoach. Something for the TV, but in real life might indicate a bit of an imbalance.

Living in the European Union, where unlike the US, more than one country here has been invaded and occupied as recently as the last 60 years, you would think that, following the logic of needing militias, freedom to carry for ‘defense,’ etc, many countries would have the desire to keep the populace armed. But they don’t. Seems to work out pretty well here.

:smiley: Good stuff man.

I guess I am lucky,
and live in a place where I don’t feel like I need any “protection”.

Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to start looking for the house keys.

I do, however, have a shotgun by the bed,

in case any more rouge varmits come looking for chicken dinner. :-X

303 you mean or is rechambered in 308?

Love them.  I have 3 No4s and 1 No1MkIII*.  Went to the National WWI Museum the other day (one of the few claims to fame in Kansas City) and they had a number of No1MkIII*s in the cases.  Of course, lots of more interesting and more rare weaponry as well!!! Neat museum for the history buff on an almost forgotten (in the States) war.