I'm not much for guns, BUT....

I gotta have one of these!

That’ll keep away the rif raf… :wink:

Bet he’s making some serious cash on YouTube…

LOL this guy is hilarious either on purpose or incidentally.  I am a professional Russian!

Personally if you look at the rate of fire he’s getting, its not much better than you get with a good semi-auto with nice recoil control…a full auto shotgun is impressive to think about but not particularly useful (which is why they are not frequently issued in militaries).  I mean, you could design a full-auto sniper rifle for that matter (I guess that’s kind of what the M14 is!).  I also am not a big fan of that slide in magazine system…seems like that would not be an easy thing to align under duress.

I guess I just prefer Saigas…and they are legal in the states, too!

As a professional Canadian, I can get that rate of fire out of my Browning BPS pump.  Not terribly impressive.  And if you add in the extra weight of all those shells, I think you could do a lot better with another firearm.  Yes, it’s a full auto 12 gauge…good to have if you’re getting attacked by pheasants or ducks but as a practical firearm I think it’s just too gimmicky.  Also agree about that slide in magazine.  I’d hate to have a flurry of ducks charging me and have to get that in place. 
Nice gun but I don’t think it’s overly practical.

I want one.

It’d be fun on zombies.  ;D

My thoughts exactly. I would love to see how a “zombnao” would hold up to one of these bad boys!

If it were belt fed, I’d be all over it. That drum doesn’t hold nearly enough rounds.

I guess it all just depends on how many zombies were attacking, or how big the zombnado was.