Sour Dough

I always wondered if a saison brett would make a good sour dough starter.  Make a traditional equal parts all purpose flour and water starter.  Blend with a vial of yeast and make a batch of sour dough.  Or likewise with Bavarian wheat yeast strains…  A banana bread with 3068??

The wild yeast present in the flour create the sour culture already… If you want to get crazy just use fruits, uncrushed grain, etc.

Oh I know that, I was just saying that it would be a fun experiement to blend the already made starter.  I make sourdough loafs every year for turkey day.  I have always wanted to try blending the two (1 natural sour culture with 2 a brett blend) and see what the flavor profile would be.  If you could pick up and phenolic ester flavors in the aroma/flavor of the bread.