Sources for acid

I’m looking for a good source of food grade phosphoric or lactic acid (88%, not 10%) preferably in a container larger than 4 oz.  Unfortunately my local won’t consistently carry acid.  Let me know if you have a proven source.  Thanks, j

Sources for acid?  Well, when I was in high school we’d drive to Boulder… :wink:

once again thanks for the help denny


Can you have your LHBS order it for you?  I suppose ordering multiple 4 oz bottles would be annoying.

OK, I feel like I owe ya a better answer…here’s 500 ml. of 85%…

Our club is about to purchase 950 ml bottles of 75% phosphoric from  They say it is food-grade stuff.

The thing about acids and shipping is that DOT has a limit on the size or quantity of hazardous materials that can be shipped in the package before it has to be shipped as Hazardous Cargo.  Of course, the cost sky rockets at that point.

For acids, the hazardous quantity is 1 gallon if my memory serves me correctly.  So you would have to limit the amount per shipment to that amount to avoid the shipping surcharge.

yeah this is what I’m trying to avoid.   I don’t think I need a gallon but a quart would be great.  Next stop, local brewpubs.  I do love my lhbs but they’re mom/pop and they don’t even bother with the technical stuff.

That’s a good price ($13.75).  Good find Martin.

Thank you for the guilt ridden  :wink: suggestion Denny,  cynmar is a great source that I always forget about.  Wow martin/tom, 13.75 is indeed a good find.

Martin, I can purchase a gallon from the local 5 star chemical guys for a slightly better price, I wonder if you guys could do the same.  I guess I need to find and educate enough local brewers to start a real brewing club, then we can split a gallon too.  Cheers, j

You remember high school…?

My mom has pictures…:wink:

I think it was written up in High Times too ;D

Too funny.  :D

I did a little research on food grade phosphoric acid and came up with the same thing Martin referred to…dudadiesel
950mL @ 75% for $13.75 seems to be the way to go.

It wasn’t me, it was one of my FBI club mates.  I’m just the messenger.

Gotcha…I should have credited your posting.  :wink:

;D gotta love a thread that starts with lactic acid goes to drug induced memory loss, high times and finally ends with the fbi  ::slight_smile:


Remember this?

Boy, do I!!!  Efram Zimbalist, Jr.  One of the greatest names ever!

That’s cool as sh*t, I’d take this over Law & Order any day.  I guess the reason I don’t watch tv is that all the good stuff came and went before I was born.  cheers, j

i got mine at the local science supply shop