I want to dilute my sparge water, which is 7.23PH with %88 lactic acid to below 6 PH. Is there a formula or calculator that will aid in this conversion. I have really “hard” water: 263 bicarb which I believe buffers the ability to dilute with lactic?
Get Bru’nwater…
I have really soft water. Bru’n water is simple to use.
I have been using EZ water cal and have been playing with BRu’nwater and i am trying to understanding it better. I feel stupid when i attempt to use Bru’nwater. EZ water has been working for me for over a year. I will cont to attempt to elevate myself to bru’nwater:) It just seems more complete.
I enter the same info in bru’nwater as EZ and they are markedly different. Ill figure it out eventually
My phone is currently my only computer and bru’n water doesn’t work on it. I like Kai’s advanced water calculator on brewer’s friend.
+1 Bru’n Water
To reduce from 7.2 pH to 5.5 pH would take 0.09 ml/gal of 88% Lactic acid.
OOPs i was thinking about Kals also. Thats the one i have been playing with. I really like it.
It’s going to depend on the amount of alkalinity more than the starting pH. In BrunWater, I put in 215 ppm for alkalinity in the sparge water acidification tab (263*50/61 to convert from bicarbonate ppm, according to Palmer). For a desired water pH of 5.5, it calculates 1.21 ml / gal of 88% lactic acid.
You can also do this in Kai’s water calculator; just set the sparge water volume to the desired amount of water to treat and scroll down to the “sparge water acidification” section.
You’re right - I overlooked that point. My alkalinity is low, so it requires less adjustment. Thanks for clarifying.
I brewed this weekend and put 5ml! of Lactic %88 to knock my PH down to 6.2 FROM 7.2:( It was 13.5 gal of sparge H2O. That seems like a lot. I was worried about taste threshold? I will experiment to see if i can taste it at 10ml in 13.5 gal. I am just trying to no have to cut my water. i have to have at least 13 gal in my HLT to cover my coil.