Trudging my way through my first Brewing water chemistry course for an IPA brew day this Friday. Hoping someone who is used the program and knows the chemistry can help me out. I’m using 100% distilled water as my base in building from there. The program states that the pH of distilled water is about 6.5. I have gotten my mash pH to 5.35 with mineral additions and my Grainbill which seems right. On the sparge acidification page, my water pH is 6.5 ( distilled ) but the target pH for Sparge is 5.5. Output section and adjustment summary does not say to add any lactic acid to the Sparge. (final water alkalinity says -0.5 ). Is that OK? Do I not need to lower the pH of this sparge?
Where is Bru’n Water saying that the pH of distilled water is 6.5???
Water pH is almost meaningless with respect to sparging water. Alkalinity is what matters for sparging water. Since you’re starting with distilled water, no alkalinity adjustment is needed. The target sparging water condition is to bring the alkalinity to below 50 ppm as CaCO3 and preferably below 25 ppm.
When I hover over the red square on the diluted water pH line on the Sparge acidification tab it says “ this is the water pH when diluted to percentage above. This dilution calculator assumes the pH of distilled water and RO water are 6.5. The true pH of the dilution water may range from 5 to 7 , but this is an adequate pH estimate for this usage and actual deviation from this assumption has little effect on the calculation accuracy. “
So I put 6.5 at the starting water pH as well as diluted water pH. Is this wrong? What should I put for ph if I’m using 100% distilled and building up from there? I assume if I put 6.5 in the Sparge acidification tab, it will affect my mash pH as well in the grain bill input and water adjustments?
For the purposes of using the Sparge Acidification calculator, ASSUMING a pH of 6.5 is acceptable. Ultimately, you will find that pH makes very little difference in the acidification outcome. Since you are using a very low alkalinity water, you will find that it takes very little acid to cause a large drop in water pH. That is true regardless of the starting pH input.