special b

I used special b for the first time in what I am calling a ‘double red ale’. I feel like I detect it more than I was expecting at 1.6% of the grist in a 7.8% ABV beer with about 50% munich and a good amount of Columbus, Simcoe, & Centennial hops. My perception is based on a finished hydrometer sample so I am not sure who the carbonated/aged beer will be.

Can anyone comment on their perception of special b and in what styles at what percentages they normally use it?

Dark fruit/raisiny flavors. I don’t make A Dubbel or Quad without it. I’ve used 5% in both.

Yeah. I was getting the raisin thing which I assumed was the special b. Didn’t think it would be so detectable at such a small amount. I chose to use it because I wanted a specialty malt that was kind of unique and not necessarily to style. I am interested to see what the final product is. I may sub it out for pale chocolate or something on the next batch.

Also, it can make a really good secret ingredient in a porter or stout @ maybe 3 oz.

EDIT - Yep. It is pretty potent.

I love Special B, but it is rather potent and has a distinct flavor. I use 1/4 lb per 3 gallon batch and that’s plenty. I only use it in dark Belgian styles, but I could see a small amount being OK in something like an Old Ale.

I used 3 oz in a 3.5 gallon batch. I knew it would be out of place so we’ll see how it turns out.