For the first time I have some hop stains on my Speidel plastic fermenter. I’ve soaked with water for a few days and scrubbed with a soft/semi-soft sponge with no improvement.
Anyone use these and have luck with other chemicals? Perhaps it doesn’t really matter beyond cosmetics.
Stains and smells were my biggest issue with plastic fermenters. All my bucket fermenters would experience this same issue. I ended up just always soaking them for like a month with oxyclean/pbw and if the smell still didn’t leave then I would stick it outside in the sun for a few days and it would usually clear up mostly…
I really like the 7 Generations Ahead liquid laundry detergent recommended by Better Bottle for removing hop oils on the side of Better Bottles. It does a great job in emulsifying the oils and turning the water cloudy. But it doesn’t work nearly as well for removing Oxyclean for removing general dirt.
I’ve always had good luck soaking my stained buckets with oxyclean for a week or so. I know the power of oxyclean is supposed to wear off after an hour or whatever but it seems to take a few days for the stains to go away.
Sure, at the normal concentration they should be fine. I soak my better bottles in solution of 2 scoops (or lines) of oxiclean filled to the top. I remember seeing an article about PBW and Oxiclean cracking better bottles, but they were using it in higher concentration if I remember correctly.
My oxyclean comes at max concentration in a plastic bucket, so I’m hoping its safe. And I use oxyclean every time I clean them, hot soaked till they look clean, then drain and soft scrub with a microfiber dish cloth. Never stains, no odors.
+2. Homebrewers who are afraid to use bleach on their fementors are like folks who are so paranoid about sanitation that they sanitize their mash tun. Rinse with hot water and let air dry and there is no complication.
I haven’t had any staining on mine yet. I also wouldn’t worry too much about it if I did. I think the fear of scratches and staining are way over blown.
+10 on this. I’ve never worried about any smell or stain on my fermenters. My next brew changes the smell and have never noticed anything from the prior batch. I’ve never bleached, but I will give it a try. Not that I like having any odors, just have never worried much about it. If I worried, I’d go stainless.
+1. I wouldn’t use BKF in a plastic fermenter. With plastic being pretty porous, I could see it being tough to rinse completely (aside from scratching the plastic). I wouldn’t chance it.
I normally will sprinkle a little in the bottom of the fermentor then fill 1/2 gallon of hot water then use a paper towel to wipe the inside clean then rinse then starsan.
As the others have said, I personally won’t use anything abrasive on my plastic fermentors. Or if I did it would be a last ditch effort. A light bleach soak is all you need to get rid of staining and odor.
I use abouy a half cup per 5 gallons or so. But this is what I am talking about when I say that homebrewers afraid of using bleach is like homebrewers sanitizing the mash tun. Bleach is fine as long as you rinse and let air dry. The problem with bleach is when it actually gets into your beer and then it doesn’t take much to ruin it.