Spent Grain Bread

This past week I took my first stab a making bread from spent grains.  It was a very basic recipe so it actually came out pretty bland.  But it was fun, and the bread was edible enough that I’ll be giving it another go.  The grain was 100% Maris Otter and I still have a bit left in the freezer.  I think on the second round I’m going to up the salt a little, and also add some brown sugar and honey.


Those look delicious! I haven’t attempted using spent grain in bread yet but I’ll have to give it a try.

Thanks!  I agree, the bread did look real good.  As I said though it was pretty bland.  I think this comes from the fact it wasn’t only the first time I made bread with spent grain, but the first time I made bread at all.

I still have some of that grain in the freezer.  I don’t know know if there’s a time limit on how quickly it should be used.  Maybe this weekend I’ll try that second attempt.

I’ve made spent grain bread (Treberbrot in German) just incorporating the grain like you would a soaker, and was not impressed with the texture, or the flavor.  I’ve not done this yet, but I’ve learned that the preferred method is to dry the spent grain in a low oven,  and then grind it into flour.  Not only does it make sense that this would improve the texture (who wants husks, ) but it should also release more flavor, I’d think.  Got to get around to it one of these days.  BTW if that’s your first bread, nice start!  Welcome to another obsession.  :wink: