This will be my first time spunding so I would love any advice or mistakes to avoid. I plan to spund for the last bit of fermentation with the goals of reduced oxidation and natural carbonation. I brew a 1.052 OG saison yesterday, expecting FG of 1.002 as I’ve repitched Wyeast 3711 from slurry of just kegged saison that drove a similar strength wort to FG of 1.002.
I’m planning to transfer from carboy to keg around 1.010 and spund down to final. Thinking to set valve pressure to 20 psi. These are numbers I’m ballparking as I haven’t done any calculations and if I’m +/- a bit on gravity at transfer I’m ok with it as I don’t plan to run hydrometer samples twice a day…
I’m open to any and all feedback. Thanks
You really only need about 3-4 points remaining when you transfer. Transferring with 8 points remaining won’t hurt anything but you will end up with quite a bit of yeast in the keg. As far as where to set your spunding valve, check a carbonation chart.
10 psig will work a certain serving temperature, to give a certain level of carbonation. But the OP will be carbonating at a higher temperature, and will have a specific target for volumes of CO2. Could need even up to 30 psig. So yes, check a carbonation chart.
Exactly, since the OP is fermenting a saison, it will probably be fermenting in the high 70’s and since saisons are highly carbonated at 3+ volumes of CO2, the spunding valve will need to be set well above 30 PSI inorder for it to be properly carbonated at serving temp.