I’ve been extract brewing for 6 years now and thought I would give a barley-wineish style a go.
I went balls to the wall with 12 pounds of dme and 3 ounces of simco, had an og of 1.094 (temperature corrected), and used WLP099 Super High Gravity Yeast with starter of course.
First two week went good, massive action in the airlock. I transferred to 5 gallon carboy two days ago, and all action in the airlock and on the surface of the beer has stopped. The gravity at time of transfer was 1.045, so it seemed to me I would continue seeing rapid fermentation.
Any suggestions on how I should go about reviving this beer?! Thanks!
Next time leave it on the yeast until it is finished, you have to leave it there and check the gravity until it stabilizes. It’s not going to keep rapidly fermenting once you take it off the yeast.
At this point, I’d say rehydrate 2-4 packets of dry yeast in water. Add some of your fermented beer to it for 6-12 hours, then add the whole thing to the carboy. Alternatively, you can make a starter with your yeast and pitch it when it is actively fermenting.
Not really, you’ve got a lot more than 2 weeks before you need to worry about autolysis, especially if it is still fermenting. Once it is finished try to rack it within another 2-4 weeks, but even that number is debatable.
That used to be a good rule of thumb with the crappy dried yeasts that kits came with 10+ years ago, but with the healthy Wyeast and White Labs products it is much less of a concern.
You are not looking for a starter, you are looking for a full working yeast population. See if your local brewpub/micro can get you a growler full of yeast slurry, ant neutral yeast should work.
if you can’t do that, 3 or 4 packs of dry yeast, US-05 or Nottingham re-hydrated will do.
Another option is to make a quick 5 gallon starter/beer, something like an English Mild, and then use the whole yeast cake. Waiting the 5 or 6 days for this to ferment will not be a problem.