starter using old yeast

I have a smack pack of (Wyeast) 2001 Urquell lager with a mfg. date of 7/17/13. Mr malty says to use something like 12 to make a starter. I smacked it yesterday; not even sure it’s gonna kick off. but if it does should i do a 2 step starter, or get some fresh yeast and buid from there? I would think if it’s still viable i could build a healthy starter but not sure.

You can probably get it going.  You will likely need to do 2 (maybe 3) step ups to build up a healthy batch.

I would do small, less than a quart, of low OG wort.  Let it go until the liquid is clear and decant the liquid off.  The second step I would do is about a quart of standard OG starter wort and see how it goes.

I would wait to do a 3rd step until I knew how well the second step goes.  If the yeast is building up fairly well you should be on your way.

It might be cheaper to just buy new pack yeast though.  8^)


It should be fine. I just made a starter with wyeast 2000 (budvar) from 12/13. Pack didn’t swell and it took a day longer than expected for the starter to take off (I didn’t give it O2 and I don’t use a stir plate) but after three days I have a flask full of very good looking yeast.

I would also suggest starting small and adding nutrient if you have it. Then step up to your desired size.

I just started up some 1272 that was from 10/12 that I found in the fridge to see if it would go and work for a batch. I started with a liter of 1.020 wort as a first step and it took off well in about 18 hours or so, i then stepped it up again with a liter at 1.030 and it’s got a really nice cake on the bottom now as I crash it so I’d say you should be fine.