Starter with London 1968, looked curdled

Hey all,
just pitched my wyeaste London ESB 1968 into my starter 1000ml Flask. I have done starters before and every time, the yeast came out nice and chocolaty tan and smooth in texture.  Tonight, when i pitched the London, it was almost curdled looking.  Still tan but clumps of fun things.  I shook up the flask and will see what happens.  Mftr date is 10/4/12.

Anyone had experience in this?

Thanks for the help.


That is typical for the yeast strain. Perfectly normal. It will break apart as it gets going in the starter, then clump back up when it’s done.

It’ll do that in the beer too.  I used that once and had a terrible time keeping it in suspension in the beer. I’d recommend rousing the yeast.  Not that it makes bad beer, it makes fine beer but you may need to shake it up if it stalls due to early flocculation (mine did).
And if you re-use it, expect it to be clumped and difficult to get back in solution, especially if you try to wash it.  It seems to go to go into solution in wort but not in water.

Congratulations! You have now found out how highly flocculant strains look. I love the Fullers (WLP 002/ WY-1968) yeast for some of my beers.

This strain always looks like that.  I use it for several different beers and have never had issues with it.  I love the results.
