STAT Fermentation temp question......

Doing this today… “Beer Captured” page 132, the Kölsch…No fermentation temperatures are mentioned. My gut feeling is to treat this as an ale, which with todays weather would put me at +/-64º for the entire fermentation…

Anyone brewed this?

64 would be fine. I start mine out around 58 degrees and let it warm into the low 60s. It also depends what yeast strain you use. wlp029 tends to stall near the end if you don’t warm it up. It also depends how much yeast you pitch. You really should approximate closer to a lager pitch with a klolsch.

Going with Wye 2565, Kölsch.

That one works well a little colder, but again, you must pitch the correct amount of yeast. How big is your starter?


I like to pitch and start my Kolsch in the upper 50’s then gradually raise it to the lower 60’s and then finally to the upper 60’s
to finish over thew course of two weeks +/- using WLP029 and Wyeast2565.  This is one of my favorite styles of beer.  I prefer the WLP029 because it behaves more to my liking but YMMV.

Definitely go to to estimate the appropriate quantity of yeast required for your batch size and starting gravity.

Do you have fermentation control chamber?

No, haven’t gotten to the fermentation control chamber portion of this obsession…yet. I will visit Mr. Malty. My main concern was that, although not mentioned, the second fermentation was to be treated as a lagering at cold temps.

We be cool. DWHAHB.

Yeah, kolsch is best cold conditioned after primary is done.

Conditioned or secondary fermentation?

I also prefer WLP029 for this kind of beer.

Well, she been done cooked up and in the barrel… 64º as we speak sitting next to my desk waiting for bubbelation…