Steeping grains?

So… Brand new here. Most of my brews have been extract. I wanted to experiment with partial mash so in my last brew I steeped some crushed Briess Full Pint and Gambrinus Honey malt in a grain bag for 15 mins as I worked toward my boil for LME addition. I realized later those are not the right grains for steeping and should have actually been mashed. I got experimental without reading enough. I should have done Crystal Malt or something more suited for steeping,correct? My big question is, did I ruin my brew? I tasted it recently after dry hopping for a week. It seems ok. It’s got fruity notes ,but nothing outstanding weirdness wise  Any insight here? I have brewed 4 times now. Very green but want to learn. Thanks!

Your beer should be fine.

Depending on the temps while you had the grain steeping you probably did a very small partial mash.  You likely got some flavor and maybe some sugars.  Nothing bad though.



In the words of Charlie Papazian… Don’t worry, have a homebrew. LOL. It’s all a learning experience and you just learned something.

Golden rule of brewing: if it tastes fine, it’s fine. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I haven’t encountered them yet!

Don’t worry too much, you just bulked up your beer with a bit more body.