Hi. Does anyone have a tip on when in the BIAB process to add steeping malts? I was thinking of just adding them @30 minutes during a 60 minute mash. Any response appreciated.
I add mine for the entire mash. I am sure you could add them at 30 without a problem. But, why?
My guess: the thought is like the cold steep …that it creates a less harsh, acrid final beer. I read a cpl articles on it and Dan Bies had a presentation at the 2016 AHA National Homebrewers Conference.
I prefer to include them in the mash to reduce/eliminate the need for acid (for pH control).
Have done it with black malts for a coffee oatmeal stout the dark malls and coffee were added to a gallon of cold water 24 hours prior to brew day In a brew bag The Main mash was done with 4.5 gallons in another BlAB the cold coffee/ Dark grains infusion was added to the boil with twenty minutes remaining along with a couple cinnamon sticks The beer was smooth with out any toasty bitterness Some people liked it and some did not but you could taste the difference
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. My last couple of batches have had a puckering, tea-like flavour that I don’t want.
What style are you brewing? Does the beer improve with a little aging?
Are you adjusting for pH in the mash? If so, how? Also, how do you calculate your addition(s)?
That’s what I was thinking when he said Tea. Tanins? Grains with husk on, soaked in high pH water?
I wish I had learned about water and pH before I went all grain.
I’m brewing ‘Rushmore’ American IPA. At this point I’m not doing any water or pH adjustment other than adding a campden tablet. Ageing may help as I bottle condition. I’ll do a cold steep of Crystal 40 and add it to the mash @ 30 minutes. Let you know how it goes.

I’m brewing ‘Rushmore’ American IPA. At this point I’m not doing any water or pH adjustment other than adding a campden tablet. Ageing may help as I bottle condition. I’ll do a cold steep of Crystal 40 and add it to the mash @ 30 minutes. Let you know how it goes.
Brad Smith (creator of BeerSmith tool) presented off flavors a while back. My concern is your mash pH. It could be other issues. Here’s one of his charts:
Good info. Maybe I’ll do a pH test.