Last Thanksgiving I brewed an Irish Stout from a Northern Brewer kit. Two and a half months later it is still bubbling, albeit slowly. I used a blend of yeasts, a dry Nottingham Ale and a White Labs Irish Ale. These were started a day early with a can of Propper starter from MoreBeer. Initial fermentation was quick and vigorous. Would it be safe to keg this as is or should I continue to wait?
Airlock bubbles are just co2 coming out of solution and not a great way to determine fermentation activity. Take 2 gravity reading 72 hours apart. If they are the same the beer is done. That beer was finished months ago unless there is an infection working.
I’ve seen a few brewers here lately wanting to keep their beer in primary for months. Not sure where this advice is coming from. Generally speaking, yeast chew thru wort in days vs months. Granted, some are slow to get across the finish line but we’re talking weeks not months.
Trust your hydrometer not the airlock. A FG hydrometer is easier to read and more accurate for determining if it’s done.
Package when complete. No advantage to waiting an extended period of time once complete. It’ll clear in the keg or bottle. Leaving it in a fermenter after active fermentation is complete can allow more opportunity for potential O2 pickup.
Your kit instruction sheet has general guidelines: 1–2 weeks primary, 2–4 weeks secondary*, 1–2 weeks bottle conditioning.
It was done when the Krausen receded and the beer began to drop clear, A couple of gravity checks, 3 days apart would have verified this if they agreed.