I made a starter yesterday using Wyeast Trappist with a stir plate. Tonight, 24 hours later, the foam has receded and it looks all done. I’m brewing tomorrow and will probably pitch around 3pm (approx. another 24 hours). Question: should I stop the stir plate, airlock the flask and just let it sit until tomorrow or will the constant stirring not hurt it?
You could take it off the plate and pop it in the fridge so that you can decant the starter wort off before pitching.
I wanted it to be super viable for tomorrow - thus 65F - like pitching a yeast cake, so I don’t want to chill it.
Actually, chilling it will help preserve viability because when the yeast is cold it won’t be consuming its nutrient reserves as quickly.
Listen to Denny. Chill it and decant the supe, suspend it with some fresh chilled wort and then pitch that.
Sometimes I will make my starter then pop it in the fridge. The day of I will decant then just before I start brewing I will add about 500mL of starter wort and put it on my stir plate. Usually by the time I am done it is at high kraeusen and I pitch it. If it reaches high kraeusen before I am done I will just turn off the stir plate.
To be honest it doesn’t seem to help all that much (at least not that I have noticed). But doesn’t hurt either and I don’t mind the extra step.