Storage Space

Curious what other brewers are using for fermentation locale. Given the temperature situation, (here in San Diego) the garage may be too warm, same with self-storage units. I’m not too keen on keeping my entire apartment 67 degrees to appease the yeast… What do you folks out there use in warmer climates like mine?

I use a chest freezer to hold temp. I have one that is large enough for two typical sized fermenters.

Hare’s a good article:

I’m in San diego, too. I use a chest freezer + temp. controller. If you can, go over to The Homebrewer and talk it over with Jacob or George.

Thanks guys!

I’ve also used a Rubbermaid tub filled with water and cooled with frozen 1 liter water bottles.

Throw some insulation around the tub and you can maintain temps pretty well.

With San Diego weather, the tub method would likely work well with minimal effort.

Yep, been there and done it. It’s a little labor intensive but it works well.

I’m not sure I’d call swapping bottles labor intensive, but compared to a set it and forget it temp controller + fridge it’s certainly more work.

Yeah, not so labor intensive for ales. I remember brewing lagers and changing lots of damn water bottles to keep the water cool enough. :slight_smile: Kind of a different ballgame, though.

To be fair, I’ve never tried it for lagers in the summer.  In the right area of my basement in the winter (near the door) it’s been relatively easy to keep the ferment at lager temps.  The floor is cold, too, which helps.

But nowhere near as easy as the fridge.  I’m really digging my ST-1000.  Even with a Celsius read out.

Older refrigerators cheap from CraigsList, 20 cubic feet or larger.