Strong Scotch Ale

I made a Mild (PNW version) and liked it. Then I tweaked the recipe and switched to 1728. Love love love it. But it’s probably a 60/- now not a mild, unless Scottish mild is acceptable.

At Christmas I picked up a six of Old Chub. Thought it was great too, and now I know what flavor is Scottish lol.

Last night I was listening to Brew Strong the Boil episode. They talked about a wee heavy. After all of that being said, I’m going to give it a go. Looking for a little input to make sure I’m not way off. This isn’t a clone attempt just trying to put what I’ve learned into a keg.

9E Strong Scotch
20lbs pale 2row
4oz black patent

7.5 gal mash@  150° 90 min
Malt fwd adjustments
5 gal sparge mashout temp

Boil 1st run 60 min should reduce 3 1/2 gallon to about 2 gallons
Add 2nd run and 60 min boil
1 oz magnum at 60 min
Whirlfloc and nutrient at 15 min

Recirculation IC to 55°

Pitch 1 quart WY1728 slurry

Targets are
1.095 OG
33 ibu
15-18 srm
1.020 FG
~10% abv

I plan to keg, force to about 2-2.5 volumes, and cold age for a few months with main serving at Christmas

Seem ok?
Am I way off track on something?

Only piece of advice I’ll add is to boil the first runnings down a lot more. Like 3.5 gallons down to 1

Boil it down until you get scared.

Right on. Looking at my grain bill and water volume do you think I’d need to up my sparge?
I guess as long as I get >4 gallons in the bucket I’ll be happy. I’ll need blowoff headspace so I’m not wanting 5.5 gallons. I suppose I could top off the boil to 6 gallons with water if I come up a little short. That or a second sparge, huh?

I don’t think you’ll ever find a better wee heavy recipe than Skotrat’s Traquair House clone recipe.  It’s here (just leave out the mushrooms!).  Site Not Found

I have made this quite a few times and I’ll pass on one tip…use Simpson’s Golden Promise for the base malt.  I’ve made it with other malts and it’s been great, but the Simpson’s GP make it an extraordinary beer.  I’m about to make a 75 mi. road trip to pick some up so I can make it again in the next few weeks.

Big +1

I did Skorat’s recipe last year and followed the recipe. Boils down until the bubbles were big and it started to come up the kettle. Used the Simpsons GP. Fantastic beer to sip on a cold night.

Yes, Roasted Barley instead of Black Patent.