Stuck fermentation

I have two batches currently in fermentation, a porter and an Imperial IPA.  Both were brewed on 10-21-11 so they have been fermenting for about 9 days.

Neither batch has dropped to a gravity I was expecting.  The porter began at 1.076 and is now at 1.030.  I had great activity, but now all has seemed to stop.  My fear is that it will be too sweet as I was hoping to finish around 1.020.  I pitched two packets of wyeast london ale when it was at 69 degrees.  It is in the basement and with cooler temperatures at night the wort may fluctuate 3-4 degrees.

This essentially the same with the imperial ipa, although it has progressed better than the porter.  It started at 1.078 and it is now at 1.024.  with this batch I pitched 2 packets of Wyeast Denny’s Favorite 50

Any suggestions?

Not enough information

can you provide recipe and mash details, brand of extract, etc.


This is the porter:
        lbs    oz
56% 6 0 Munton’s Dark LME 34 22 ~
28% 3 0 Briess Dark DME 43 30 ~
9% 1 0 Black Malt 28 550 ~
5% 0 8 Peated Malt 32 3 ~
2% 0 4 Briess Caramel 80L 34 80 ~

mashed the grains at around 160 for 30 minutes

That is a lot of extract, and dark extract which is generally less fermentable.

What and when are your last 3 days gravity readings?  changing gravity readings are the only reliable way to determine if fermentation is done.

To achieve a lower FG I would replace a pound of DME with sugar next time.

3 days ago it was at 1.032 and today it was at 1.030.  Three days ago was the first reading I took after pitching.

This is the exact same recipe I used back in the summer.  The only difference is the yeast, which then I used Wyeast 1056 American Ale.  That one finished out at 1.016.