Simple question: Do I need to account for a shift in pH because of adding table sugar in the boil?
The context: I’m trying to dry and simplify my IPA to showcase the hops better. I’m planning to add 1 lb. to a 6.5 gallon batch.
Simple question: Do I need to account for a shift in pH because of adding table sugar in the boil?
The context: I’m trying to dry and simplify my IPA to showcase the hops better. I’m planning to add 1 lb. to a 6.5 gallon batch.
I would use Corn sugar instead of Table sugar. Also when I use it I only use a 1/2 lb for a typical 5.5 gallon batch.
Table sugar is just fine. If it’s good enough for Belgian brewers, it’s good enough for me. I go by % of fermentables rather than absolute weight. Up to 20% has been no problem for me.
Steve, to your question…I never even considered that adding sugar could change the pH. Interesting thought. I’d guess it has minimal to no effect, but that’s strictly a guess.
Anecdotally, I’ve been seeing about .2 drop in ph between preboil and post. For example, a 5.2 is usual 5.0 post boil. Until a couple days ago with a cream stout. 5.2 ph preboil, then added a pound of lactose at 10 minutes. Guess what my post boil ph was. I’ll give you a hint. It was 5.2
Damn lactose!