I just mashed in an Imperial stout, 3 gallon batch with a 23.5 lb. grain bill comprised of 12 lb. two row & the rest more or less equal parts black roasted barley, Carafa II, 120* crystal, 60* caramel Munich, Paul’s Chocolate, rolled oats, Special B, Victory, flaked barley, Blackprinz, brown malt and rye malt. I’m looking for suggestions on what to do with/ make out of the sparge. My guess is that 5 gallons of sparge should come somewhere around 1.060, but that’s just a WAG.
This is the kind of reply that drives people away. Not only did you not answer the question, your reply says that everything the brewer did was wrong.
Didn’t see he already mashed in. I deleted my offensive post. Good luck on this beer.
My very favorite thing to do with the second runnings of a RIS is to make a Black Lager out of it. Truth be told, my Black Lager generally comes out better than my RIS:)
Hadn’t thought about a Lager, might be a cool idea [no pun intended]. The stout is intended for the eclipse, a lager my be drinkable just in time. Thanks.
Sorry I missed the “offensive” post, it might have been interesting of amusing.
I generally go for something relatively middle of the road… clean yeast like 2124/830. Mine is usually in the 1.045-1.055 range. Hallertau, tettnang or something straight forward for hopping… 30-35 IBU or something like that. Ends up being sort of a schwartzbier type thing. Always ends up being clean, crisp, and super drinkable.
It wasn’t offensive at all. It was recipe suggestions because I was under the false assumption that you hadn’t started brewing yet.
I was being a bit sarcastic referring to it as offensive!
Given what you were actually looking for, the post just wasn’t useful at all.
S’okay, I’m not easily offended.
Just discovered I’m out of 34/70, only lager yeast I have is S-23 which I’m not crazy about, M76 Bavarian and M54 Cali Common, so I guess I’ll just have to decide between CC or Dunkel.
Tangentially, for the base Stout, I need to decide between US-05 and M42 New World Strong Ale yeast. O.G. should be about 1.130, and depending on the yeast it could finish around 1.025 & 1.3, 12% or so ABV. Any suggestions?
I would lean toward Bavarian and US 05… but, I don’t have a lot of experience with those yeasts, so perhaps others might have better thoughts.
I would hesitate using us 05 on anything heavier than 1070 my experience with a 1075 solstice ale was that it struggled to start and I ended up adding some dry Nottingham to get it to finish
I think US 05 will work fine as long as you use enough yeast for such a big beer. I’ve made an English Mild with the second runnings of an Imperial Stout which was ready to drink in short time.
I did use US-05 [2 packages], it was going like gangbusters yesterday but has slowed down a huge bunch this morning, but it is into the third day so that may not be an issue. I’ve used 05 on probably 30 or so batches of beer so far and it hasn’t let me down yet, this batch definitely is a much tougher test than I’ve done up to now.
Awesome! Sounds like it is preforming as it should
Another thing to keep in mind is that your FG will probably be pretty high considering all of the speciality grains that you used. It should be a chewy Imperial Stout.
Hydraulic sandwiches - a loaf of bread in every bottle. Life’s too short to drink boring, oh so subtle beer.
Hmmm, it just might make a Jim Dandy breakfast beer!
I dunno, I just made a 1.090 RIS and pitched 2 sachets of 05, and it blew the top right off my fermenter. :o
Maybe my problem was brewing a high gravity beer in December at 54 N latitude is o5 is my favourite for IPA and CDA