Tart Dunkelweisen

I brewed a Dunkelweisen recently and getting ready to keg and it has some tartness and citrusy notes.

I used Wyeast 3056. I’ve never experienced this before but this is also my first time using something other than WLP300.

Anyone ever had a similar experience with this yeast.

The flavor isnt bad at all. I’m just kind of surprised

I’ve had the same problem with that strain. What temp did you ferment it?

65 then slowly let it ride to 68 after about 4 days

The tart flavor was not present in my sample before I ramped up my temps.

PH dropped to 3.8 as well

3.8 is in the range of wheat ales (though on the very low end). IIRC the “tartness” faded some and the beer ended up being ok. I wish I kept better notes on it.

I had a Diacetyl bomb last brew and the tartness this time.

I am working on getting rid of all plastic in my brewery except my no chill HDPE containers. I have good sanitation, and pretty certain it isn’t infection.

Some internet research shows that other people besides us have ran into this flavor using this strain of yeast

I’ve had light tartness occasionally with 3068 fermented at 62F. Just a hint, but noticable if you’re looking for it.