Looking for feedback on this crazy idea.
Concept -
Put a smaller diameter MT pot inside a bigger pot that radiates heated water completely around the MT and put a HERMS type coil in the heater water as well. Mash is pumped continuously and is full volume.
These pics show the concept a little better.
The big pot has an electric boil coil in it for heat, it is not a HERMS coil. The MT ( keg in the pics ) would sit inside of the big pot full of grain, false bottom, etc.
I would bottom drain through the big pot, piped to a pump. The wort pump would push the wort back through a herms coil in the water column and back over the grain. Continually recirculated.
I would use my same controller to heat the boil coil water column to my desired mash temps. The setup would be CIP. I already have most of this. I would just need to fab the drains. I would for now, heat strike water in my eBK then pump to the MT and switch the 30 cord and use the same controller.
I am thinking this is a good idea. But I want others to tell me why it is not.
I would think rapid step mashes, no scorching. Gentle heat to wort.
Or I could build a long, ULWD cartridge heater RIMS. I would need separate controller, lots of stainless parts, etc.
I just want something that works and can be left somewhat alone during the mash time and can handle full volume mashes, is simple and is not 3 vessel
I currently , 2 times so far, used my gravity drain cooler setup and it worked OK as well. I am heating the wort in my eBK and recirculating up to the cooler with the small wort pump then gravity back down in the eBK.
My the temps in my MT do not ramp very fast to the set temps even though the recirculated mash is at my set temp coming out of the pump. Trying to keep 2 vessels covered to limit oxygen intake is a challenge as well…thus my desire to mash in on pot. My herms hybrid would eliminate that I believe as the whole MT would be surrounded by set temp radiant water and I have one pot. But so would a nice RIMS setup.
Current cooler setup https://photos.app.goo.gl/8MhbhUHaRruKnjfP7
I am trying to build around my eBIAB CIP pot.
Any way…I
More thoughts?
thanks for looking