Temp control: Johnson or Ranco?

I just pulled the trigger on a 14.8 cu. ft. chest freezer and I’m debating what to do for temp control.  I’ve read through some previous threads here and decided I don’t want to deal with the STC, despite my background in electronics.  So I’m looking at either Johnson or Ranco.  Martin has previously weighed in in flavor of the Johnson A419.  I’d appreciate hearing opinions form anyone who has used either one.

I enjoy my Johnson A419’s.  Keep in mind that if you choose to heat with it you will need to reconfigure the jumpers.  Mine is always spot on, intuitive to program, and they are easy to mount.  They also have smart programing built in to keep the compressor from kicking in constantly.  Id stay away fromt he analog version due to that last fact.


In both my chest freezer and mini-fridge, I have trouble dialing in temps without heating in addition to cooling. This is especially true when I am ramping up at the end of fermentation - it wont happen without a little help from the heat belt.

I use a 2-stage Ranco with a mini-fridge and a heat belt (two belts for saison fermentation).

You can use the differential or the difference in set points to minimize cycling.

Currently it is resting on top the fridge, but mounting it is super easy (I’m just that lazy/forgetful).

The best $150 I ever spent by far (it came wired to a 2-outlet box from the LHBS).

I’ve had a Ranco for years with no issues.

This past weekend I noticed the set point had changed from 45F to 173F.  I wrote that off to all the storms we have been having.  tons of electrical storms and the like.  I’ve never seen the issue before or sense (knock on wood).


I have 2 Ranco’s and love them.  One controls my chest freezer where I serve my beers from and the other controls my fermentation chamber (heating or cooling).  One tip if you buy any controller like this is to be sure to plug it directly into a power surge outlet (a good one).  If you don’t and have some crazy weather the controllers can break on you.  This happened to two others that I have owned before I got smart and used a good power surge outlet.

I just put a Johnson 419 analog in a new chest freezer a couple of weeks ago and it’s working great.

I also have both.  With the Rancos I keep the probe in a thermowell in a quart of water to prevent short-cycyling the compressor when the probe is not in a carboy.  With the Johnson, I have the Short-Cycle timer set to 5 minutes.  For fermentation, I prefer the Ranco as the temperature swing is tighter.  I did come across this the other day:


Looks pretty neat and has short-cycle protection.  For those that would prefer NOT to wire their own.

I probably should have mentioned that the freezer will be for fermentation, not serving.

What’s the # of the Ranco you guys are using? The 111000?  And is it dual stage?

IF you are looking to ferment id suggest a Dual Stage, which would make the Johnson unusable.  Go with the Ranco Kyle uses.


The Auber is dual stage.  I put a 115V 120mm muffin fan and a 25watt light bulb (covered) for heat in my fermentation freezer.

For fermentation I would say Ranco dual stage (that auber looks real nice too).  I have a Johnson digital and use it for fermentation…but I have to watch it closely depending on the weather outside. Does a great job cooling in the summer months, but in the winter it can get a little low.  In that case, I just turn on the reptile heating pad. With that, the Johnson is always spot on and I have really enjoyed it, but a dual stage is ideal.

I have three, A johnson, a ranco, and this one:


(and if I wired it Denny, I know you can)

I have no preference in any of them.  They have all worked great, without problems.


Since you don’t want to do any wiring :slight_smile:

Im happy with these. I have two of them. I use sunbeam heat pads for the hot side. The type with no auto shutoff. I can get you the model number if you wish.

I’m lucky enough to have a basement that is suitable for ale fermentation temps year-round. Because of that, a single-stage Johnson (A419) works just fine for me in my fermentation chamber that doubles as a keezer when space allows for it. I’m pretty happy with the level of control and ease of use.

Thanks, Kyle.  I may end up wiring them myself since that’s about $100 more than I can get them at Amazon.

Another question…where do you set the freezer thermostat?  As cold as it will go, then let the controller take it from there?

Thats what i have always read.  IF you are using it as a ferm chamber tho i wonder if somewhere in the middle of the road is better.  Im not sure if the freon can be different temperatures or not.  Will you be putting your carboys/buckets directly on the floor of the freezer or will you be resting them on a platform of some sort?

When I was using one of our chest freezers for fermentation, I actually set the freezer dial to the highest setting.  Don’t know if it’s true or not, but why have that compressor work any harder than it needs to.  Less off and on cycling was my theory.  But who knows.  Now I have them all turned down to 40 degrees for full keg storage.

Thanks, guys.  I think I’ll start mid-high range and see what happens.  Just ordered the Ranco from Amazon.

I have always set mine as cold as they could go, keezer and ferm chamber. I do cold crash in the ferm chamber frequently down to 32 degrees and the dial is not very accessible on the side with only a six inch gap from the wall.

I would be interested in learning where the thermostat in the freezer measures.