The Can Van

Thought some of you would be interested in this.

I think there are roughly a dozen of these nationwide. Two in Colorado that I know of.

The economics of canning are still awkward. For really small operations, there’s Cask’s two-head manual system for ~$20k, but that can only do ~5 cans/minute and requires two operators. Then you jump up to automated four- and eight-head systems that start at ~$100k. Wild Goose in Boulder is trying to plug the gap, and Cask just introduced their SAMS unit that they advertise as being 15 cans/minute, but there’s no proven solution for breweries in the 2,000-20,000 bbl/year range, give or take.

I saw something similar to this on the other day.  I think it’s a really good idea.  I can see how much value it could bring to smaller craft breweries that can’t afford a canning line.  A guy I work with (who used to be a brewer at O’Gara’s brewpub in St. Paul, MN) said he has a friend who is considering designing a mobile bottling line.  I told him he had better get a move on because this idea is already taking off!

I would recommend stay away from Cask.
That is all I am going to say.
Waiting on my equipment from Wild Goose Engineering.