the Flat Top Can makes a comeback?

Now I think I’ve seen everything.
The crafties have been scrambling to offer their beer in cans, and now,  there’s  one goes that goes a step further…

Bring back the Crowntainer!

A blast from the past. I knew what a Churchkey is.

Nice to see it coming back. Great idea.

…for the Hipster in your life!

I love the retro can idea(no, really, my brewery is TOTALLY the target audience for this can style), but hoo boy that instagram video is just a little too niche market for me.

Also “Coming Soon” = BOO. Put some freakin’ info on your site before you go live, otherwise it just says ‘marketing without a real product.’

I have a couple of the openers. ;D

We have some too.

I love this idea.  All my kids know what a church key is but many of their teachers don’t.  8^)

I don’t think this would be a good mass market idea though.  With all the focus on convienence, and airport “security” what it is, I think this might actually take your product out in some markets.  And a lot of people have no idea how to open a old can.

Very fun for us old folks but I don’t think I’d sell my beer in it.


Just got back from China, and noticed they had a few of these types of cans - mostly it was the pop tab that pulled off completely (like a can of chicken broth).

What a cool idea - the brewery would be known for single item of SWAG - the old-school bottle opener.

Love it.

years ago we knocked down an old wall of a grocery store.  every few coarses of block had a flat-top carlings black label can or two in it.  perfectly preserved. the brick layers were drinking while they were working.  kids were coming to get the cans for their collections.

i agree also, bring back some conetops

Well there is a reason pull-tabs were phased out my the early 80’s. Ever step on one of those little bastards? :-[

I’d rather see a twist-off cone-top.

That and a fair number of people swallowed them too.  At least where I grew up, everyone would pull open the tab and drop it into the can.  By the end of any given night some drunk would be choking on one after chugging a beer.  :frowning:


We made chains out of them.

I saw a billboard Monday advertising a new can for Miller Lite.  When you pop the top it makes another small hole for air so you can chug it faster.  The billboard didn’t actually say that, but I’m pretty sure that’s why they invented it.
I can picture a room full of advertising excecutives:
“Hey, what can our engineers do to get our beer out of the can or bottle faster?  The faster the can is emptied, the sooner they’ll need another can.”

I can see that.  The next meetings suggestion was probably: “Okay, we bring back the pull tab with a larger opening and add a small pull tab to the bottom the can.  Then when the 17 year-olds, uh, I mean, legal aged drinkers want drink faster they can tip up the can and pull the bottom tab.  Each can comes with an mp3 of 10 people chanting chug-chug-chug-chug.”

i remember using the can opener to poke a hole in the bottom of the can and drinking from this when you pull the pop tab.  calories i didn’t need