Blast from the past...bringing back Ballantine IPA

I’m guardedly excited…

I don’t get bringing back a label with a new recipe. Didn’t Schlitz just switch back to the old recipe to a warm reception?

It’s hard to believe that no one thought to, at least, keep a copy of the original recipe.  Talk about competition blindness.

Another beer it would be fun to bring back is the original Falstaff.  That was my Dad’s go to beer when I was a kid.  The beer was really quite good and the puzzles in the bottle caps kept everyone busy.  We had a 5 gallon bucket full of caps in the garage that kept us entertained while BBQing.  For those who don’t know, each cap a pictogram series printed under the clear seal that you could decipher into a phrase.  Things like “A bird in the hand is better than two the bush”.  There weren’t very many repeats for a long, long time.

Has anyone seen a recipe for Falstaff?  My brothers would get a kick out of it.


I have a recipe for 1973 Schlitz, hand written by the brewer.

In case you folks dont know what a hipster is, its an Emo with a bald spot.

Lone Star does this. Basically Texas PBR and owned by Pabst. Mickey’s Grenades do/did, haven’t had one in 10 or so years.

Other than the skinny jeans, I’d say this is false. Hipsters are basically sheep that like to say they did something cool before everybody else. Look for fixed gear bikes, Polaroid camera’s, typewriters, beards, plastic rim glasses (which I have worn for 15 years, yes that make me sound hipster), listen to everything on vinyl or cassette tape, plaid shirts, work at coffee shops or used bookstores, drink lots of PBR of course (or Coors Banquet and Lone Star), and vintage cocktails.


So my nerdy teenage years?  Of course back then that was just how everyone lived.  Without the beards.  I still can’t grow a decent beard.  Maybe when I’m 65 I will be able to play Santa.  :wink:



Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. But ive found that if you look at a hipster’s high school yearbook, you’ll often see that he was an Emo, with a skateboard and listening to the Misfits on his walkman. He grew up to be a hipster driving an 86 volvo and hanging out at the farmer’s market selling cambucha

Possibly true. One thing is certain, you must be an adult to be hipster. If you’re under 18 and living off of you’re parents, you’re simply a teenager.

Edit - Corrected crap grammar.

+2.  Very,very cool. Drank plenty of that stuff in my youth.

+1.  I think you pretty much nailed the whole concept there.

I drink a little PBR and appreciate vintage cocktails. Of course I only drink PBR when their ain’t nothing else available and only drink vintage cocktails when they don’t have a Bourbon I would appreciate more. :wink:

That’s a bit of an anachronism there. There was no such thing as Emo back when walkmans existed. And Emo kids probably have no clue who Glenn Danzig is. If you said “dress like the Misfits and listening to Jimmy Eat World on their iPod”, then you’re on to something.

Ya, generally speaking,  you’re right. But you’re missing the point of the Emo with latent Hipster tendancies (seaks out old technology) and when the Emo thing wears off at about age 21, they evolve to Hipster.

The person im describing is due back from an immersion language trip to Japan. He’s random and quirky but also a genius and im very proud of him.

Falstaff is the company that originally purchased the Ballantine label.

The original product was dry hopped with Bullion hop oil.  All of the wooden fermentation and storage vessels were lined with pitch to prevent the beer from coming into contact with the wood.

Brewery Worker Skimming a Pitch-Lined Fermentation Vessel at the Ballantine Ale Brewery


I’m guardedly hopeful about the Ballantine. Hopefully it bears some resemblance to the original. We’ll see.

They were lined with mammut.

Brewed a clone using Bullion, Cluster, and EKG. Everyone at the club meeting asked about how much oak was used. The beer never touched wood. It had to be woody flavors from the Bullion.