Thermapen Open Box sale

$ 74 rather than $95 (?) with full warranty.  Enter to Win a Thermapen

I also got the silicone boot which I had not seen before.  It was a bit of an impulse buy for me.

I got an open box one over a year ago. Love it.

picked one up as well.

Why get a Thermapen when there are other instruments from Thermoworks that are just as accurate and FAR less expensive?

Bragging rights!

I feel the need for speed!

If you have the money to throw at it its a great product, but martin is right, they have other NIST certified products for cheaper.


Speed.  I’d be lying if I said I got it for brewing… I got it for cooking… and may use it sometimes for brewing :wink:

so, the therma-pop takes 5-6 seconds to get a reading, it costs 24 bucks right now on special 29 full price. The thermapen rads in 3 seconds.

How many times do you have to use it to save 70 dollars 2-3 seconds at a time? ;D

to be fair there is also an accuracy difference between the two.  The themopop is ±2F up to 248F and =-4F after.  The Thermapen is ±0.7F uo to 248 and ±1.8F after.

The resolutions are different as well… Themopop is 1F and thermapen is 0.1F.

Also the themapen is on sale for $74 right now so only a $50 difference ;D

Mine totally gets more use in the kitchen. Still going strong after five years. If it begins to act strangely change the batteries before you freak out.

I’d say it is usually within 6 degrees in half a second or less but takes about 2-3 seconds to start creeping by tenths.

Ah yes, the Thermopop does have a bit less accuracy than a Thermapen. I picked up the RT301WA model that has 0.9F accuracy compared to the 0.7F for the Thermapen. So no significant difference there. They had a sale of $16 each when you buy 2 or more. It was worth it.

+1 on loving my Thermapen.

Yeah that RT301WA looks pretty good especially for the price. Starts to get inaccurate over 212F but prob not an issue unless you’re making candy or caramelizing something.

You guys are making me want to buy one. I don’t intend to use it for brewing but I can think of a lot of ways to use it for cooking proteins. I’m currently using a $20 digital and while it’s very accurate it does take a little time to get a stable reading. It would be nice to be able to check a seafood temp without the risk of it cooling a couple degrees in the process.