Homebrewing is a pretty solo hobby around here, and while my wife usually raves about the beers I make, I know she’d say that no matter what (which is nice of course). But last night during The Game Which Shall Not Be Discussed a friend of mine (godfather for our little fella) told me, about my super-hoppy IPA, “This beer is amazing. Seriously, you could have this in an English pub next to Guinness and Fuller’s and it wouldn’t be out of place.” How neat is it to hear something like that!??! Super happy
Its awesome when someone really appreciates the results of our efforts to brew a great beer. Grats!
I love getting compliments from my fiance about the beers I make… and she’s probably my toughest critic becaue she’s been so used to commercial american lager beers. But I’m winning her over. We went out to a brewpub friday night, and she was trying a couple different beers. She even said she could taste a tiny bit of grapefruit in the hydrometer sample of a batch I have fermenting. (I did use cascade hops). She’s learning and it makes me very happy.
Good to get compliments, even better when someone likes a hoppy beer.
I’ve found hoppy pale ales to be one of the styles thats easiest to get right.
When did they start naming the games?
I keed, It is an awesome feeling, the complement that is.
There are two kinds of compliments on home brew.
The ones where they say “That’s great!” and when you offer them another they say “No, I’ve had enough, but thanks anyway”.
And those that say “Can I have another”? before you ask. ;D
Congrats, and be happy you your friends like beer other than BMC.
Tonight someone said:“I can drink this all day”… I took that as a compliment.
My friends politely ask for the first beer but then just help themselves to the kegs afterwards if they like it. Depending what’s on tap they slurp it down. And then I hear that kicking keg sound… 8)
My favorite complement came from my neighbor’s father, visiting from Ireland. I made a batch of my Irish Stout, and he said “it’ll do until I find something better”. I didn’t know he actually like it until I told his son what he’d said, and his son said “oh! that’s high praise!”.
Then I found out that when he got home to Ireland he bragged to his friends in the pub that his son lives across the street from a guy who “makes a pint of the black stuff better than Guinness”. ;D
He might be a bit biased though, I named the beer after him. With a name like that Seamus O’Brien, how could I not?

My favorite complement came from my neighbor’s father, visiting from Ireland. I made a batch of my Irish Stout, and he said “it’ll do until I find something better”. I didn’t know he actually like it until I told his son what he’d said, and his son said “oh! that’s high praise!”.
Then I found out that when he got home to Ireland he bragged to his friends in the pub that his son lives across the street from a guy who “makes a pint of the black stuff better than Guinness”. ;D
He might be a bit biased though, I named the beer after him. With a name like that Seamus O’Brien, how could I not?
Care to share the recipe?

Care to share the recipe?
I’m happy to, but you’ll have to remind me. I got a new laptop a while back and haven’t transferred my recipes over yet.
The best compliment I had was,another home brewer trying one of my beers, asking for the recipe and actually brewing it.
I geuss the best compliment I have had so far is that two friends of mine asked me to brew my california common (Ahh to hell with copyright! it’s a steam beer) for their wedding this summer!
That and my mother in law who only really likes hefe has been slowly chipping away at the case of barley wine I have stored at her house.
I’ll never forget the day John Maier tried my Rye IPA and said “This is the flavor I’ve been looking for!”. Then announced at that year’s NHC that he’d be brewing it for one of Rogue’s 15th anniversary brews.
It definitely makes it alot more worthwhile to get compliments. I always like to hear them and they always put a smile on my face.
…and Denny, I would be very proud to hear a compliment like that coming from John. You definitely made a winner with that beer.
Great stories here! It definitely does feel good to get solid, objective feedback on a beer - especially when it’s positive
One of my shining moments was when in a blind tasting my Saison (which ended up a bit more Tripel-ish) was preferred over Allagash Tripel by a friend who is a big beer geek. He then helped himself to 2 more glasses that night, and the praise never stopped (although I start discounting any compliments or critiques after 2 healthy pours of an 8% beer :)) Though I entered it in the ‘wrong’ category, this beer also took first as a ‘Belgian Specialty’ at the WA State Fair.
By far my greatest compliment came out of winning best of show at a competition with over 600 entries. Ray Daniels, author of Smoked Beers among other titles, was on the bos panel and my beer was a traditional rauchbier. I’m still happy about that and it was many years ago.
Like Denny says, having a pro brewer honestly like your beer is way cool.
People wanting more…this is good.