This one's for Oscar

If I could see/do something like this once a week it’d all be worthwhile. Here you go Oscar! I’m sure you’ll be stifling a yawn…

Night landing in Los Angeles

Seen that… Very well done. Yes, sometimes it looks like that…then sometimes it looks like this:

You need a raise…

Now that is a scary landing.  :wink:


I remember a flight into ORD that landed in fog like that.  I don’t usually get apprehensive about flying but that one had me a little nervous.  Then they greased the landing just like it was a sunny day.  The pilot came on and said, “Well, folks I can’t take credit for that, the computer just landed us.”

I wasn’t sure if I was happy about that announcement or not.

Dang! And I WAS going to London this summer…  :-\

Ah, hell, I’ll still go. I’ll just try to get a flight that Oscar is piloting.  :wink:

St. Barts anyone?;_ylt=A0SO8Zr5Z1NN_zMAcZ_7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-?p=st+barts+crash&fr=ush-health&ei=utf-8&fr2=tab-web&n=21&tnr=20

I used to get nervous, then I figured, what’s the point?  It’s out of my hands, I’ve got to trust all of the people involved to get me back on the ground safely.

Now I often sleep through landings. :slight_smile:

But after seeing that video oscar, I agree, you guys deserve a raise!

Do a you tube search for any landing flight deck view or not of the following airports.

:o Toncontin (Central America)
:o Gibraltar (Spain)
:o Kai Tak (Hong Kong - airport closed and replaced. you’ll see why.)
:o Lukla - (No Air Traffic Control and a sever grade on the runway)
:o St. Maarten (this one has bars to watch and they have arrival and departure screens in the bars.)
:o and Barrow Alaska. I’ve ridden this one. The only snow packed runway I have ever been on. SNOW PACKED!!!

I’ll bite my tongue… ;D

Actually, they’re a lot of fun… ;D

My father was in the Air Force and we were stationed in Goose Bay, Labrador in the early 80’s.  We would get so much snow there that in the winter the ‘runways’ were basically trenches cut into the snow, with the snowbanks sometimes ~10+ ft high.  They would spray paint the sides of the snowbanks pink to add some color contrast for the pilots.

I’ll bet I’m not the only one here that would like to know why not. Responsibilty for hundreds of human lives and tens of millions in equipment should be well rewarded. (awaits response)

Yeah, I want the best most qualified people driving the bus.  At least if I’m in the plane :slight_smile:

How much do they get paid?

Less than guys on wall street whose job is to push money around. :wink:

I did a quickie search and landed on this…

I’m not surprised some get paid poorly- but it strikes me this isn’t a profession where people say “I’m so sick of flying planes!”

Interesting.  I’d have thought pilots got paid a lot more than that.  200k isn’t bad, I don’t suppose.  But that’s the top…to think that athletes get paid MILLIONS…for what?  To entertain us?  It’s ridiculous.  They’re living their dreams AND getting paid more than anyone else in the world to do it.  Ludicrous.

One hedge fund manager got paid about the same as every player salary in the NFL combined!  He probably got more, I’m assuming every team hit the salary cap.

Yes, that says $4 BILLION dollars.

Willie Sutton’s saying is still true.  “That’s where the money is”.

Professional atheletes are Millionaires playing for Billionaires (for the most part).