Three Tier System

Here is the three tier setup that has been evolving for a little while.  It started as a simple 10 gallon system, then a couple more kettles were added.  This allowed two separate 10 gallon batches.

The people that I brew with generally like big beers but there had been some requests for some “light beer”.  Seeing all the color and checking the gravity of the leftover water in the mash tuns, we figured we could try some partigyles and make some light beer.  Since the partigyle kettle which is in the middle of the bottom gets a blend of worts, the results are unknown until it is sampled later.  I still do not know what that beer tastes like but will take a sample this weekend.  We figure that we can make about 10 more gallons for about $15 extra and 1 more hour of time.

The most recent brew was a 1.094 Imperial stout, a 1.085 winter ale and a corn sugar fortified 1.065 happy b-day partigyle  (riverrats b-day).  I will post next week about the taste of the partigyle

I gotta tell you, brother, I can’t wait to hear how the third beer turns out.  I’m torn between morbid curiosity and genuine enthusiasm.  Here’s hoping for the best!

Also, post some more photos of your system when you get your picture issue figured out - a potential Pimp My System feature on the AHA website could be in the makings…

Try this for getting that photo in there.  When you’re looking at the pic on flickr, right click on the pic and then click on “Properties”.  That’ll show you the actual “Address (URL)” of the pic which you can then cut’n’paste between the IMG tags in a reply on this forum.  Like this…


The partigyle was transferred to secondary this weekend with a gravity of 1.004.  So much for a light beer.  It tasted quite good, in a couple weeks it will get kegged and then be on tap a few days later.

I thought this thread was about the 3 tier system for distributing beer in the US…

That looks like a hell of a hardcore setup dude, cheers to that!