So my wife picked me up a six of Trader Joe’s Josephsbrau Prost. Allegedly a maibock. It is dated for use before 8/15 of this year, so should’ve been in good condition. I kept my expectations pretty low, as I have no idea who brews it for them (unlike the Vintage Ale, which has a Unibroue cork in it). This beer has decent head retention at best, looks and tastes like a stronger (7.4% abv) but very oxidized Sam Adams Octoberfest. Has that nasty cardboard-y, unpleasant caramel flavor that you find in old, oxidized imports. Very disappointing. Hofbrau has nothing to fear from this swill.
I wonder who contract brews it for them? I think the IPA and APA is brewed by Firestone Walker. Those are always excellent beers, especially when you consider the price. I remember their Belgian Christmas beer from a couple years ago was brewed by Unibroue (spelling?).
Maybe Gordon Biersch. They’ve brewed for TJ in the past.
The label should say where it is brewed. If from San Jose CA it is Gordon Biersch.
At least the Mission Street series is OK. It comes from a well know brewery in Paso Robles. If they managed to handle it better it would be fantastic at their prices.
I looked online, and it is Gordon Biersch. I had heard good things about them, but it wasn’t reflected in this 6 pack for sure.
IMO, GB is a solid, if not spectacular, brewing operation. Some of their beers are better than others.
Keep in mind that TJ’s had pretty poor beer handling practices. Its kept warm in the store, in the warehouse, and en route in between.