US-05 temp...How low can I go?

I’ve been wanting to brew a Schwarzbier recipe that I formulated for about 6 months now.  I had originally planned to reuse some WLP830 from this years O’fest that I brewed in early May.  Due to the lack of lagering space I have, I haven’t got around to it and dont think I’m going to use it now.  I’m thinking of just pitching some US-05? Yeah, I know it will not be even close to the beer it could’ve been but I need to use these Ingredients.  We have a lil’ girl coming in OCT and I have a feeling there won’t be much brewing after that for a little while.  Anyway, I’ve used US-05 down to 58F with great results.  Has anyone gone lower than that?  I was thinking 55F then ramping up at the end of fermentation? Thoughts?

I’ve used it often at 55 with no problems.  I’ve heard of people using it as low as 50, but I haven’t tried those beers so I have no personal knowledge of that.


I’ve pitched in the 50’s with a healthy ferment to follow. No problem. I think you could go lower but haven’t tried.

Great! I think 55F will be just fine for this Schwarz-mock? lol  Thx for the replies guys!

52F with no problems on a Faux Pils now being enjoyed on tap.  It makes you wonder if it is almost at the Cry Havoc level. :-\

Hmmmm? Makes me want to try and go lower.  Does it attenuate well at that temp?

It maybe attenuates slightly less, by a couple points at most.  I’ve gone down to 56F or so and it still attenuated 75% or more.  It’s a great yeast, I tell ya.

On the Faux Pils at 52F, it went from 1046 OG to 1008 FG in 30 days, single primary fermentation, to keg to serving by day 35 to second/final 5 gallon keg blown last night (day 54).  I have lots of samplers… :wink: