Used Regulator?

I am looking at purchasing a used CO2 regulator off CL. What things should I be concerned about?  How can I test it to see if it works properly? Any visual problems I should look for? Taprite series 3740

It is dirt cheap. I want the extra body so I can have a double system in my kegerator.

Bring a tank and hook it up. Adjust the pressure and see if it seems to behave correctly. Not sure what else you can do.

You can also open it up and see if it’s clean inside or if it appears to have corroded or sucked up beer in its past.


I bought the regulator for $20, all is well except I forgot to look at the low pressure gauge. 0-160 doesn’t do much good considering the first line on the dial was 10 in 5 psi intervals.  This is an $8.00 fix along with the $4 stem…$32 for a regulator doesn’t seem like a bad deal.

Yeah that’s still a good deal.

Remember the days when a new regulator cost $35 new? Kegs were $20 and hops were $5/oz. Well at least hops are cheap these days.