I am fermenting with Brettanomyces yeast for the first time right now. It is one of the Omega blends and I am using an SS Brewtech Brew Bucket and will keg in a corny. What I want to know is how should I clean afterward to avoid an lingering Brett.
I just do my normal cleaning with Craftmeister alkaline, but I’m far from an expert on it.
Alkaline sanitizers and heat are the best methods at least on a homebrewing scale. Thoroughly clean and then take your pick of options for what is safe for your equipment. SS will hold up to hot water and non-bleach alkaline sanitizers but with any tubes and gaskets you’ll want to be more moderate with heat and rely on the sanitizers to do the work.
Starsan and other common homebrewing acid-based sanitizers are generally not great at killing yeast–especially not acid tolerant yeast–unless you get into high concentrations which might damage plastic and rubber pieces. Far easier to use an alkaline sanitizer at normal strength and get the job done.