Using more water in the mash tun and less in the HLT

So a problem I have run into with my mash tun is that with my lighter recipes (<10lbs grain bills) the calculated water level from beer smith for my mash doesn’t cover the thermometer very well if at all.  Would I be hurting my beer at all to put extra water into the mash and then less in the HLT to fly sparge?  In my head this seems OK and in my poking around on the internet and books I haven’t seen anything to say otherwise.

My current mash tun is a 10 gal megapot 1.2 for reference.

Thanks in advance!

If there is already a thread speaking to this that I couldn’t find please direct me there if possible!

Not at all, as long as you account for any pH change from the additional water.  My efficiency actually went up a bit when I went to a thinner mash.  You could also consider going to no sparge in that situation.

PH is something that I haven’t been measuring yet, though I do need to start.  I never even considered doing a no sparge.  Thanks!

Keep in mind that the more water you use, the less the grain itself will be able to buffer pH.